The yard sale went really well, we set up around 6am but no one really started coming until about 8am and it was pretty steady til about 10:30 and then we packed up and left. Things are different now with a little one along who needs naps and lunch, but we considered it a success. We are so thankful to everyone who came out to support us and for everyone who donated their "junk" to us to sell! :) We were invited to participate in a multi-family fundraiser next month so we look forward to going and selling some more! God continues to provide the money needed to continue forward with the adoption.
We received this e-mail last month, but I wasn't able to post it. I will kind of summarize but have copied it below if you'd like to read it. Basically things are continuing to slow down and becoming harder to adopt in Ethiopia. The PAIR process which was supposed to help speed the process up has actually slowed it down tremendously. They have offered families to switch programs and move forward to adopt in other countries, we did look into the other countires but for now we will continue to wait in Ethiopia. America World continues to provide and care for the children in Ethiopia who are in need but it is becoming expensive with the wait times continuing to increase and they need help. Please check out if you'd like to donate to them.